I’m Yessica and I am 30 years old.  The last five years of my life I have been living in the area due to my work.  I am from Mexico though, but this community has given me my second home.

Please tell us a little bit about your family:

We are a small family, only my husband and me at the moment with plans to start a bigger one soon ♥ The rest of my family including my parents ,  my older sister, her husband and my lovely nephews live in Mexico.

What are a couple of your favorite restaurants in our community?

I love to eat at Karvelas and Sakura Sushi and Grill.

How long have you lived or worked in our community?

I have been in the area for 5 years.

Who is the most interesting person you have met here in our community?

My husband Juan Carlos.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Dubai or Singapore.  They blow my mind with their organized architecture and huge buildings.

What is one of your favorite movies? TV Shows?

The Netflix series ” The Haunting of Hill House”.  I actually discovered that the house where this series was filmed is is located here in LaGrange.

What advice would you give to people?

Never give up!

What is something on your bucket list?

I would like to run my own business one day.

What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?

The Goo Goo Dolls would never bore me!

What current or former local business makes you the most nostalgic about our community?

Not a specific business, but every time I pass through downtown I feel like I an in the ‘correct place’.

What is your favorite thing or something unique about our  community?

The beautiful West Point Lake where we can enjoy the awesome views, water activities and have so much fun with friends and family.

Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

I can see myself in 10 years in an apartment in Cancun with my husband and two kids and our families sharing some vacation time together.

What is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

Thailand.  It was where my husband and I went for our honeymoon and we experienced the best landscapes we have ever seen.

Favorite month? Favorite holiday? And single best day on the calendar?

The Memorial Weekend in May because that weekend is my birthday and we can spend a day on the nearest beach.

Who inspires you to be better?

My husband Juan Carlos who shows me every day how to solve problems with love and he also teaches me to better manage my finances and my time.

What is one of your favorite smells?

In Spanish we have a word “Geosmina” that describes the smell of wet soil/ground caused by rain.

Finally, what 3 words come to mind when you think of the word HOME?

Love, safe and family.




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